Poetry Works

Breathing new life into old language

Poetry and Business

Organisations want a language their target audiences their audiences notice, enjoy, use and remember.

Poetry’s tools and techniques

Poetry is a set of tools and techniques for making langauge memorable. It uses concision, imagery, rhythm, rhetoric and rhyme and many other devices that have been honed over millenia. Poetry Works brings these tools to organisations and can help with a variety of situations. Visioning, strategy development, employee engagement, communciation and brand management.

Roche Annual Conference

Roche had set an inspiring ambition: to bring life to years and yars to life for 200,000 people. As a key plank of their strategy, Roche were keen to emphasise how this goal could only be achieved by working together.

I was asked to provide a tone-setting poem to open the second day of the conference. Later that day I ran a poetry writing workshop for 400 delegates on the theme of togetherness.

“Poetry doesn’t have to be a low pay or no pay occupation. Poets have highly valuable skills.”

— Adam Cairns