Adam Cairns

Beyond Solitude

Overcoming loneliness, embracing solitude and finding renewed meaning and purpose …

Néos (Greek): New, Novel, Fresh

When I realised loneliness was the main source of my unhappiness, I set myself a challenge. It was nothing less than a rescue mission for the final phase of my life.

I’m asking if it’s too late to rediscover purpose and meaning. 

What does constructing a new way of life involve? 

Unexpectedly, I find myself living alone.

As a poet, I can reach into imagined worlds where I find consolation and solace. My life as it is now, is greatly in need of both.

The truth is, I have made many mistakes and must live with the consequences of choices I regret. None of these choices were crimes, unless they were crimes against myself.  

If I am to find happiness or fulfilment in the future, it seems I must question the way I live my life today.